What type of letters fall under our standard pricing?

Any legal letter: demand letters, intent to sue letters, cease and desist letters, opinion letters, hardship letters, 401k letters, merchant processor letters, financial transaction letters, etc.

How does ProDemandLetter stack up against the competition

Solo Practitioner: Most solo attorneys will charge $750 - $1,200 to draft and send your letter.

Partnerships: Most partnerships, that are generally made up of two or three attorneys, will charge roughly $1,500-$2,000 for their time.

Large Firms: Most large or high end firms, those that give you the "Big Firm Experience", will charge $3,000-$5,000 for the same product.

Average National Pricing: Roughly $1,375

* ProDemandLetter: Hundreds and thousands less - and with turnaround times that no attorney or law firm can touch

Average National Price

The average national price of a demand letter when purchased directly through an attorney or law firm is roughly $1,375. Some attorneys charge between $3,000 and $5,000 in legal fees for an identical demand letter service. Total insanity! The logic is that most attorneys want to take your "case", not piece-meal a demand letter service - and therefore they normally require a "retainer" for which they can draw from just to write your one-off letter.

How do we do it?

It's simple. Letter writing is one of the most frequent tasks for all business and contract attorneys. We've partnered with great attorneys accross the United States that have agreed to participate in our $199/per letter model because it normally doesn't cost them more than three hours of time or their paralegal's - and they still make a small profit while working to earn your future business if it's required beyond the letter writing.

In addition, and as an aside, our staff writers and optimizers review all letters prior to delivery to ensure they are optimized to the fullest extent based on data and insights we've collected from hundreds of letters, transactions, responses and reactions received from the recipients that have received a letter that was sent to them by an attorney via the ProDemandLetter platform.